When you are totally green in Lithuanian and everything sounds to you like a melody without lyrics, I would like to teach you how to ask 'how are you' and answer this question. Also I would like to show you how to end simple Lithuanian conversations, when you are told 'I'm sorry' and you simply want to respond 'no problem'.
So let's get started!
If you hear the word - 'atsiprašau', keep in mind that somebody said "sorry" to you and you need to respond as a well behaved gentleman or lady in Lithuanian ;) .
In this situation the proper answer is - 'nieko tokio' which means 'no problem'.
The same in reverse - if you want to say sorry, the magic word is 'atsiprašau' - 'I'm sorry'.
The next situation is when you are told 'ačiū' which means 'thank you'. And here your good manners should sound like 'nėra už ką' which means also 'no problem'.
Literally 'nėra už ką' means: there is nothing to say thank you for.
And the last conversation where you need a fast and proper answer probably is when you are asked 'how are you?' - 'kaip tau sekasi?' So your answer can be: puikiai - excellent, labai gerai - very well , gerai - fine, neblogai - not bad, blogai - not too good (we say this to a close person only when we want to tell what has happened).
The sentence that should follow is 'and how are you' - 'o kaip tau sekasi?'
The dialogue looks like this: -Kaip sekasi ?
-Puikiai / labai gerai / gerai / neblogai / blogai.
-O kaip tau sekasi?